Gender data

Journalistic, data-led explainers designed to amplify the under-discussed topic of gender-based violence.

World Bank

A collaged banner where each piece is like a scrap of torn paper. A women's eye and parts of her face stare out of the image, while other tears have colourful illustrations or text.

Globally nearly 1 in 3 women have experienced violence in their lifetime. That’s almost as many women as there are people in Europe.

The World Bank Gender Data Portal was created to make gender data impossible to ignore and we had the privilege of contributing two data-led journalistic stories, packed with interactives that explored top-level trends in gender-based violence (GBV).

Story one dissected global data on GBV and we felt it was important to preserve the lives behind every data point. The page opens with a woman’s eye looking out at the reader, fragmenting out into 736 squares, each one representing a million women who’ve suffered violence.

In story two, we used packed circle charts to emphasise a striking disparity between women who reach out to family and friends, versus those willing to seek help from authorities like the police. Interactive dumbbell plots captured the nuance in why women may not choose to come forward, looking at variations by country and age group.

To close the second story, we stepped out of the data and back into real lives, with two case studies on World Bank interventions against gender-based violence in Mozambique and Cambodia, and a call-to-action for policy makers to leverage existing data, improve policies and eradicate GBV.

Two screenshots of the Gender Data story. The first shows a beeswarm chart of the percentage of women who have experienced intimate partner violenece in the past 12 months. The second image is the same data broken into plots by global regions.
A heat map with global region on the y-axis and age group on the x-axis. It shows how many women have experienced intimate partner violence in the last 12 months, with adolescent girls and young women most affected.
A collage of images designed to look like torn scraps of paper. A woman's mouth and hair is visible in two scraps while the rest are a mix of text, colours, data visualization and photography.
A packed circle chart showing who women turn to when they are experiencing violence. The largest group is family, with own family first followed by partner's family.
Three screenshots of data visaulizations from the Gender Data stories in both desktop and mobile formats.

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